Nvidia Tegra HD Mobile Phone - Development Demo

Nvidia Tegra HD Mobile Phone - Development Demo

Noah takes us to Nvision 2008 in San Jose to get an up-close look at Nvidia's Tegra system on a chip platform for mobile devices. The first Tegra smartphones should be out in mid-2009. This demo makes 'em worth waiting for - for starters, Tegra sports 720p HDTV capture and playback and a slick 3D user interface. Check it out. Win phones! Free to enter @ www.phonedog.com
サムスンのGalaxyTab8.9はTegraじゃなくて自前のCPUじゃないのかな。 Android3.0はTegra専用のように見てたから意外だ。 きっとXOOMやOptimusPadに遅れたのは独自UIとCPUの対応。

RT @utaladriz: Hoy en @eltestacido 21:30 hrs. La locura de las patentes (No las de vehículos), stock options, table con android y tegra.

(Also a sneak peek at some unreleased Tegra 2 games in there, by the way.)

@Daro_Lopez el tema es que miro algo barato para ir tirando, estoy esperando a los Tegra 2 de nvidia. Y el HD se va de presupuesto ;P

Mobile News: NVIDIA: Tegra 2 outperforms Qualcomm dual-core by 10-15%

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