Every Little Thing - fragile

Every Little Thing - fragile

Every Little Thing - Fragile this is the song I really love! :) hope you like it :)
Today is a very fragile-feeling day. I think most of it is due to slowly losing my ability to eat solid food again, but the pain's no help.

I feel like I would break him...he looks so fragile lol RT @NatashaGiselle i want to give bob barker a hug but im scared lol

what a shame we all became such fragile broken things.

Japan disaster sends economic ripples: The catastrophe in Japan has made apparent just how fragile the global economy has become. Fac...

@Kintagi Oooh :D looks a bit fragile though

Girl's heart is fragile, too sensitive of hurting. So please don't take it as that easy. Its a big deal!

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