Hardest Hit Ever!

Hardest Hit Ever!

This is our SS Marlin Hill, For North Side (go Redskins) he is known for being the hardest hitter at our school for like ever! and this is just one of his hits, probably the greatest. After Corner Masterson makes the interception, he comes in for the block. To see more of Marlin and other great North Football moments watch the highlight film that will be uploaded. It is all editted by me, but not filmed and the camera can be shitty so dont blame me for that lol
“@opiumgrace: ....maybe if i hit my head real hard...it should do it?no!” DO IT!!!

Mjr_Jew hit the ground so hard that all the zombies jumped. 12:49:08 CST

I'm going to hit this week hard.

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伝説の勇者 ダ・ガーン

