Kill Bill Vol.1 - Knights of Cydonia (Muse Music Video)

Kill Bill Vol.1 - Knights of Cydonia (Muse Music Video)

---------------------------- This video contains SPOILERS ---------------------------- Another video I made shortly after the other one. I decided I enjoyed making the 'CoM' video so much that it was best I made another video for the hell of it. This time it's 'Kill Bill Vol.1', with the Muse song 'Knights of Cydonia' from the album 'Black Holes and Revelations'. Overall I think it went quite well. The problems I think you might spot this time are the fact that we don't see what happens to Vernita Green. Also, due to the fast pace of the song, I couldn't really show the death of O-ren Ishii all that well. Some of the transitions between cuts are a little dodgy and in some you can hear background music. I was originally planning on using 'City of Delusion' as the song, and featuring both Volume 1 and 2. However, it would have been extremely difficult fitting the two movies into one song, so I decided it best not to. I changed to 'Knights of Cydonia' last minute as I felt the upbeat rhythm suited the fight scenes a whole lot more. Of course, I again used the painfully pathetic 'Movie Maker'. I can't wait till I can afford something better!
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