Police in Amsterdam - Harry Enfield and Chums - BBC comedy

Police in Amsterdam - Harry Enfield and Chums - BBC comedy

Comedy legends Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield play these laid back members of the Amsterdam Police educating the world in their liberal methods of policing, and raising a few smiles in the process! Hilarious impressions from the British comedy greats in this BBC clip.
Swansea chums! Get to milkwood jam this saturday, we're playing with MAN MUST DIE

@posh_pinkies I've just got family and school chums on there. Keep everything else here. Hope that's ok

@CosmicSeb I'm not following all your bum chums so I cant!? You can fill me in anytime ; )

@SamDescartes @philwalters Why thank you twitter bums, I mean twitter chums ;) x #FF

@lwarnell people bitch & defame to give themselves a sense of adequacy. I was rescued out of the blue by musician chums & found my voice.

Going to visit some chums for dinner at the cavalry and guards club on piccadilly

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8 Mile

