Jet Paul McCartney and Wings

Jet Paul McCartney and Wings

Jet is a song written by Paul McCartney for the 1974 album Band On The Run. The song reached #7 on US and UK charts. The song is said to be named after Paul McCartney's Labrador Retriever Jet. (awww)
@jaxies I know! your jet setting ways make it hard to keep up w/ you. ;) the past 2wks have really moved me forward, so it's looking good!

@Tharealkyu hahaha ça va finir comme ça je crois. le jet lag me maltraite!

#NowPlaying "古い灯台 -The first half-" by Blankey Jet City on album "BLANKEY JET CITY 1997-2000"

Ravi Chaturvedi, Former Group CEO, Jet Airways and Former President, Northeast Asia, P&G speaks at @YaleSOM @YaleCCI

@Miss_Bethaneee o I have the marks!! You can't ride over on my jets, beat me with a whip, jet back & " I Did no such thing" ;-P umm hmm..

The famous jet Jackson #90sswag

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