Obama health reforms and British NHS health service

Obama health reforms and British NHS health service

Please excuse the brief foray into international health politics, but as an NHS doctor I listen with fascination to the debate. Our British NHS system isn't perfect but it does provide universal coverage, and saved both my parents' lives 4 times in all, at no cost to them at the point of need. I don't know exactly what Obama has in mind, but it seems from here that US health costs are rising uncontainably while leaving many citizens without affordable cover, and something needs to be done. 'Freedom to choose' is just a meaningless slogan if you honestly can't pay, and any of us could be hit by some disease beyond our means through no fault of our own. Collective action may sometimes be the best way to secure good for the individual, that's what I mean by co-operativist socialism (not to be confused with Marxist socialism). It sounds to me like US citizens are getting their fears played upon by vested interests. Your health care system costs the most but does not provide universal coverage, I think you could probably do better for yourselves, but, hey its your choice. Choose wisely. My friend Dr Philip Clarke did some vuluntary work in a project in NYC distributing time expired food to destitute street people. There were the usual alcohoilcs and drug addicts standing in the welfare line but also poor elderly peole who had to meet the full cost of their prescription medicines, which drained their budget so they had to beg for food. This shocked him. Prescriptions are free ...
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