Keralite Snake Charmer

Keralite Snake Charmer

What is it about snake charmers that make them so interesting? It's the fact that they could get bit and die right? Well this guy told us he removed the cobra's fangs. Where's the fun in that?
@smeeeff @GrantMc he is over the swearing phase and likes to tell ppl they are beautiful now - little charmer! We got an easy one Amy!

George from Fonejacker? :-) RT @MarkForster87: Just been told I've a very sexy name by the foreign telesales man calling me, what a charmer.

@Joa425 je suis sûr que vous êtes capable d'être très bien articulée et de "charmer" votre auditoire :) J'ai confiance en vous !!!

@AnasSarwar your patters like watter #charmer :-)

@FraserHarris Haha! You charmer ;) Nice day?

@TamsinGrimshaw mwhaahha and aiden samuel charmer emanuel girmshaw (;

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