Anal Cunt - 5643 song EP (Side one)

Anal Cunt - 5643 song EP (Side one)

This is an anal cunt song that has about 2500 songs inside of it. It was made by anal cunt writing 2 second songs, then playing 16 of them all at the same time by creative use of recording. It just sounds like a monster to me.
RT @AproposDiatribe: God, these self-obsessed anal cunt 'celebs' just don't get it do they? Fuck your circle jerk cliques. Wankers the lot of you. #twitrelief

@iwillthink true, but there are some bands with shit names that are decent. anal cunt are not one of them.

RT @AproposDiatribe: God, these self-obsessed anal cunt 'celebs' just don't get it do they? Fuck your circle jerk cliques. Wankers the lot of you. #twitrelief

RT @AproposDiatribe: God, these self-obsessed anal cunt 'celebs' just don't get it do they? Fuck your circle jerk cliques. Wankers the lot of you. #twitrelief

God, these self-obsessed anal cunt 'celebs' just don't get it do they? Fuck your circle jerk cliques. Wankers the lot of you. #twitrelief

Anal Cunt are shit

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