Fall/winter 2007-8 women's fashion show of Theatre Products
Fall/winter 2007-8 fashion show of "Theatre Products," from designers Akira Takeuchi and Tayuka Nakanishia (www.theatreproducts.co.jp ). Part of Japan Fashion week. March 15, 2007. For information on the next Japan Fashion Week, contact www.bespoketokyo.jp
Ornette Coleman Quartet :: Roma 1974 #1
Grabación de la televisión italiana (Schegge, Rai 3) del cuarteto de Ornette Coleman en 1974. El tema que interpretan es "School Work", melodía recurrente de Ornette que más tarde volvería a aparecer como "The Good Life" en su obra sinfónica Skies Of America (1972) y que finalmente se convertiría en el núcleo de Dancing in Your Head (1973). A la guitarra James "Blood" Ulmer, Ornette empezaba en esta época a experimentar con nuevas configuraciones del cuarteto introduciendo instrumentos eléctricos. La cinta presenta a Coleman en el periodo de transición y experimentación en que se formó Prime Time. Ornette Coleman: saxo ; James Ulmer: guitarra ; Sirone: bajo; Billy Higgins: batería
クロサギ MV
MADE BY: Niya Productions Starring: Kurosagi, 山下智久(Yamapi) 堀北真希(Maki) There's some old Yamaki FV's that I love a lot but the owners are not re-uploading them anymore. If the owners of any of these FV's are still here and wish for me to take it down, just let me know.
「その道の第一人者になろう!」 がんばり屋さん、応援計画!! 演劇・映像制作ワークショップ・プロジェクトM&J プロジェクトM&J(www2.plala.or.jp 知って得する日記(mandj-marty.seesaa.net
Sugar Baby Love THE RUBETTES
:) 1974 ? (germany) Content owner: Sony Music Entertainment and WMG Type: Audio content
Solomon's Key playing Video. Room 19 - Room 31. [Must] (1)No death (2)Use no warp (3)Don't use difficult technique. (4)Don't carry over fireballs to the next room. (5)No tool-assisted. [Hope] (1)As faster as possible. (2)Don't get fairy if possible. (3)Use safe root as possible. ソロモンの鍵(FC版)のプレイ動画(19面~31面) ソロモンの鍵を自力で一度も死なずになるべく早く完全クリアした時の映像です。 詳しくは下記ページで! kept-simple.net 【プレイの条件】 (1)死なない(2)全面クリア(3)難易度の高い技を使わずにクリア可能なルートを選択(4)ファイアボールは取得した面で使い切る(5)人間が普通にファミコンでプレイ(ツールを使わない) 【目標】 (1)なるべく早く(2)なるべく妖精をとらない(3)なるべく安全なルート
砂浜をのろのろと進んでいるのはアオマダラウミヘビ。 こうも暑いと・・・と言ったかどうかは解りませんが、目指したのは海!このアオマダラウミヘビは、昼間は利机上の岩場などで休み、夜は海中で行動する。ウミヘビの中では、陸にいることが多い。 全長80~150cm。胴体は細長く、陸生のヘビに近い形をしている。生息地はトカラ列島沿岸、奄美大島東岸、沖縄本島沿岸、宮古・石垣・西表島の北、東岸、東アジア沿岸~ベンガル湾、オーストラリア沿岸、南太平洋。攻撃的ではないが強力な毒を持ち(コブラと同じ種類の毒)、主に魚類を捕食して食べる。
Gokujyo Parodius - Boss Run
UPDATE: I've found the offical "offical" names to a couple of the bosses. I think. Closer than what I originally found anyway :P Cat Pirate = Cat Battleship Highway Machine = Traffic Light Machine Rocket Moai and Mamma Moai = Yoshiko's and Yoshio's OR Moai Headmistress Power Bacteria = Capsule Monster Cappuccino Dancer = Las Vegas Showgirl Robot Pengiun = Pentarou-X Crazy, crazy game. A spinoff of the Gradius series, this is basically the shooter genre turned on it's head. Great music. Great bosses. Great stuff. :P The game's set to highest level of difficulty, which makes the later stages near impossible.... I had to savestate abuse in those stages. ¬.¬ (thats the stages, NOT the bosses. Not really possible with the emulator i'm using to record anyway, or at least I don't know how :P) Don't think I'll be playing any other games from this series on highest difficulty, I can tell you that much. As far as I can tell, there isn't much difference in the bosses...