Tim Hawkins- Old Rock Star Songs
Tim Hawkins sings songs that famous Rock Stars will be singing in their old age.
David Pomeranz/His Best & More -- # 2
6.)The Old Songs 7.)This Is What I Dreamed 8.)I Still Believe In You 9.)Tryin' To Get The Feeling Again 10.)I Learned It All From You "The Old Songs オールド・ソング"は、映画「なんとなく、クリスタル」、TVドラマ「成田離婚」に使用されていました。
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Sword Fish Boarded
This is a video of a long fight with a Sword Fish coming to an end after nearly 3 hours! Total weight estimated at aroung 300 lbs.!
Mad Max Road Warrior (Trailer)
www.imdb.com Roaming the highways of post-apocalyptic Australia, years after he avenged his wife and son and his partner who were murdered by the motorcycle gang led by the evil Toecutter. Burnt out former Australian policeman Max Rockatansky, now known as "The Road Warrior" searching for sources of fuel, stumbles upon a gasoline refinery home to a community of survivors who are struggling for survival and finds the community is being terrorized by a band of brutal motorcyclists led by The Humangus and his finest warrior, Wez, who bid to loot all the gasoline from the refinery for themselves. The community hires Max, as Max agrees to help the community transport the gasoline across the highway and fight for freedom, as they are pursued by the Humangus and his warriors. Written by Daniel Williamson pt.wikipedia.org Mad Max 2 - The Road Warrior - segundo filme da sequência, no Brasil foi traduzido como Mad Max 2 - A Caçada Continua e em Portugal como Mad Max 2: O Guerreiro da Estrada
映画 『 喧嘩高校軍団 ~特攻!國士義塾VS.朝高 』 予告編
超バンカラ男気ムービーが 4月18日(土)~5月8日(金)シネマート六本木にてGWレイトショー公開!ゆうばり国際映画祭2009フォーラムシアター招待のガチンコ・アクション作品。監督:金丸雄一 出演:波岡一喜 Koji 虎牙光揮 鈴木みのる ガッツ石松 三四六 南まりか 岸本祐二 永倉大輔 倉見誠 山本修 Chop 猪瀬孔明