オンラインポルトガル語クラス 1.1 Muito prazer! オンラインポルトガル語クラス 1.1 Muito prazer!

FREE PORTUGUESE CLASSES BY SKYPE OR MSN ONCES OR TWICE A WEEK ! TRY!!!SEND ME EMAIL HERE BY YOUTUBE AND SKYPE ME BY 先生はポルトガル語の教員免許と博士号(教育システム)を持ったプロの教師です。 日本語と英語でポルトガル語とボサノバ(歌詞について)を教えています。e-mail お待ちしています! Oi! Espero que gostem dessa aulinha de Portugues Brasileiro. Ela foi feita de coracao para voce...kokoro kara! Please, also see my Portuguese classes by English translations too, onegai ne! About my videos: Brazilian used to be very very kind ..but they used to speak just Brazilian Portuguese too! Study Portugues and make real, very real friends!! collors: withe for pronouns, yello for phrases, pink for female gender, blue for masculine gender. Just one topic for class. Level and "Pronunciacao" (follow by a sound alarm). Just around 1 to 2 minuts. Back music tematic Brazilian sounds. somethings by myself. Somethins pices of Brazilan folcks songs. Why to study Portuguese from Brazilian? If someone ask you this question. Well tell about Briks the B is Brazil, the R is Russia ,the i is india...and the C is China...the new economic system of the world..just this is a good answer. you also shall say...Brazil is a developing country. Brazil has a marvelous people with marvelous places not just copacabana and dangerous places. Portuguese is the 3rd spooken language in Japan! It is because of many Japanese went to Brazil in the begain of 20 centuries before and after war and poor life ...
@uniqlo3 ポルトガル語\(^ω^)/

@shungooooooo ポルトガル語?笑

@harunatuakina @kurenainozou @ushi79 @riminatu @kohiro2007 @s_lightstone 今日、3月9日(Thank you)は、『感謝の日』です。 皆さまには、いつも『オブリガード(ポルトガル語)』です。 m(_ _)m

ポルトガル語、スペイン語、英語、RT @takec24 @rankintaxiさんブラジル♪… @OISHIHAJIMEさんコロンビア♪… @selectorHEMO

「愛と平和」フランス語 amour et paix・イタリア語 amore e la pace・スペイン語 el amor y paz・ポルトガル語 amor e paz

@maits0325 ポルトガル語(⌒▽⌒)

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ネクストキング 恋の千年王国

