Return to Oz: The Munchkins 70 Years Later

Return to Oz: The Munchkins 70 Years Later

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the classic film, "The Wizard of Oz", the five surviving munchkins sit down to sing some familiar songs and share their memories of life on the set, Judy Garland, and the legacy of this seminal motion picture. (Reporter: Ramin Setoodeh; Editor: K. Ryan Jones; Camera: Sarah Frank, Dylan Isbell)
I talk 2 munchkin about all kinds of things. Daddy, Mommom, & just life in general...munchkin usually responds w/ hunger pains for mommy lol

@praxisloki @frabba munchkin table cleared out after I thrashed them all :D #sonicline

RT @HisTwistedPain ❒Single ❒Taken ✔ Evil Munchkin

I miss that lil munchkin. Yehh she gon' be famous one day. lol. Lemme go practice my singin skills so I can get on her level lol.

feeling poorly sick my little munchkin made me ill bless him mummy loves you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Despite valiant efforts by @BigShoesPlease @D_Snyd_ @RoboticCheese I win #sonicline #paxtrain munchkin!

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