Street Fighter - Justin vs Daigo
The entire fight from EVO 2004 between Justin (chun-li) and Daigo (ken).
スクールランブル School Rumble 二学期 OP せんちめんたるジェネレーション
スクールランブル School Rumble 二学期 の オープニングのフルバージョンを、一学期と二学期の映像から組んでみました。
比総選挙 大統領にアキノ元大統領長男が当確(10/05/11)
10日にフィリピンの大統領と国会議員を選ぶ総選挙が行われ、イメルダ夫人やタレント候補が乱立するなか、大統領にはアキノ元大統領の長男が当選を確実にしています。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news]
CITY HUNTER & TAKESHI ITOH / シティーハンター & 伊東たけし: "FAMOUS" (Live / Abridged)
Lots of people may not know who Takeshi Itoh is here in the States, but in Japan, he's known to be the founding saxophonist for T-Square. After leaving the band in 1991, he decided to continue his solo career with the 1992 album "Visions." A Laserdisc was released not too long after, showcasing a live show that promoted both the album and some of his other solo work while working with T-Square, including a VERY LONG performance of his 1988 hit, "Famous". Setting "Famous" to City Hunter was no easy task, but it was fun to say the least. Some of you viewers have probably seen this footage in last year's X-Mas video, and you'll see it used again and again, but I'm taking this as an opportunity to practice how I can make the most of what little footage I have and how well I can time things with the music. As a note, the song you're listening to is LIVE, but it is only the first ~3 minutes (the performance was about 10 minutes, which is crazy!!!). Special thanks to Zanz, Fenikon's Fusion World for uploading the music, and JJ's Jazz and Such blogspot for posting this. Great music and great anime....what more could you ask for? Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
大鍵琴家蔡佳璇台灣古典音樂網專訪訪問者:台灣古典音樂網專訪小組(簡稱Q) 受訪者:大鍵琴家蔡佳璇(簡稱蔡) Q:大鍵琴大約是何時登上音樂歷史的舞台?在音樂歷史中一直都有大鍵琴的作品嗎? 蔡:15世紀就有大鍵琴了,一開始比較是伴奏樂器,大鍵琴(Harpsichord)是撥弦樂器,大鍵琴真正發揚光大是在法國的巴洛克時期,一般音樂家有時候買不起大鍵琴,就會買兩台翼琴疊起來模仿大鍵琴,在17、18世紀時,也出了很多傑出的大鍵琴家。獨奏曲目上,除了我們比較熟悉的巴哈、韓德爾、庫普蘭之外,從16世紀就有許多作曲家為鍵盤寫下重要的獨奏作品及教學書籍,如英國的William Byrd德國的Hans Buchner或西班牙的Antonio de Cabezon 等.。大鍵琴為撥弦樂器,以前是由老鷹的羽毛管來當作撥子,並且分為一個鍵盤或兩個鍵盤型式,除了一般我們所熟悉像平台鋼琴式的大鍵琴,也還有四方形式的處女琴(Virginal)跟類似等腰三角形的Spinett琴等。大鍵琴被淘汰的主要原因其實是法國大革命以及啟蒙主義思潮的影響,某方面大鍵琴屬於貴族的樂器,當時為了平民化很多的大鍵琴被燒掉,很快就找到鋼琴來取代大鍵琴的地位,我個人的認知是寫給數字低音的樂曲最晚到貝多芬早期(1795)都還有出現。 Q:請問您是於柏林藝術大學修習時才開始接觸大鍵琴的嗎? 蔡:我在台灣的時候只有聽過一場導聆跟一場表演,當時對大鍵琴是一無所知。長笛畢業之後我當時唸Konzertexamen(最高演奏文憑)覺得時間太多,就想要學習一個一輩子都覺得很棒的樂器,事實上我愛上一首自由行式的巴洛克風曲子,當時為了彈好它,就請我朋友介紹老師,第一堂課開始就彈數字低音,他問我說你這樣彈要不要乾脆唸個文憑,後來就真的去考大鍵琴入學考,我差不多兩年的時間大鍵琴與長笛重疊在一起唸的。 Q:您在1999年開始修讀大鍵琴的專業課程,畢業之後2003年考入萊比錫音樂戲劇學院 ...
Sakura Taisen OST - Ai ha Daiya
I will upload all songs of the Sakura Taisen anime. Song´s name: Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan I do not own the picture or the song.
心のこり2009 karaoke 細川たかし なかにし礼 中村泰士 kokoronokori
心のこり 細川たかし なかにし礼 中村泰士 kokoronokori hosokawa takashi カラオケ karaoke